

My pleasure with arts

One of the good things of LEA for me is to be able to shoot pictures and use it in my blog. I had the approval only once at the beginning, I do not know if it is OK now, but I have never got complaint. For other arts and dance shows, I got an approval every time in advance. Some show did not allow shooting pictures and I realized that not all of them are welcoming SSs, so I stopped to take pictures of a show. I understand that to take a picture by unauthorized person is not only meaningless but also harms the effect of the show. Also, it might not be desirable to be peeped from an angle out of the director’s image. This art by Eathing Rang makes beautiful dynamic effects by spouting colors like fireworks, but I think a picture freezing a moment also has another interesting expression, that is my excuse^-^

My pleasure with arts

Another joy of arts is pose balls set inside. It is one of my enjoyments to expect what kind of pose I would be forced to take in a new art. This is a part of the arts by Dekka, sitting in an empty jar for strawberry jam that was used for nails. I cannot see the meaning but it is interesting.

My pleasure with arts

Another joy is to find beautiful shapes. This is also a part of the arts by Dekka, a figure doing a sexy dance in a container. Since the space is limited and the dance is quick, it was hard to set camera and angle, but it is also a part of enjoyments.

My pleasure with arts

A part of the art by Werner Kurosawa. I also like to include myself in a picture of art. I enjoyed to pick up suitable clothing for every art. This is a plain red outfit that I used often in shooting arts.  This kind of art used to require many prims and was hard to make before, but recently some new technique might be developed, so there are many complicated structures.

My pleasure with arts

There are different expressions by selecting camera angle. This is a shot at the same spot as the above picture with the same lighting, only with different camera position. If the camera is set below the water surface under the SIM, the total picture becomes different.

My pleasure with arts

The art by Pancoyote Antonellli next to the above art allows to set new cubes as you like around a single cube, one after another. I made a rudder spontaneously into the center of the next art.

My pleasure with arts

This kind of hands-on arts are also interesting. I put my name that I erased soon.

My pleasure with arts

It is possible to set my pose if no pose ball was set. This is in the “Tower” by Dekka.

My pleasure with arts

This is also inside of the “Tower” by Dekka. This pose is that I would like to do in RL saying, “Do you have anything to say?” But it requires special confidence in your body shape, and also the person to show this will be limited. This is a free avatar that I got at the SL16B, but this one was executed in the last article. So, I revised the article assuming that my twin sister was executed instead, and I came back. I would use this avatar in future, so please extend your support as before.
Revised article, Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html 

My pleasure with arts

Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05│Comments(0)