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Visited David Rumsey Map Correction. This is one of the largest private map collections in the United States. With over 150,000 historical maps, the collection’s primary focus is the cartography of the 18th and 19th Centuries. This is the SL version. The size is amazing! It uses four full SIMs around which many maps are exhibited. The map terrain covering the entire region is a map of Yosemite.
David Rumsey Map Correction: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rumsey%20Maps%203/119/65/55 

There is a map along the road of Japan. The scroll is unrolled on the ground. Unfortunately I cannot read the old characters. I can see that the start is Edo (old Tokyo) and the midpoint is Kyoto, but I cannot see the destination. I looked after the original but was not able to find. This one is also huge, with length of 160m.

I am not crazy about old maps and interested in the gallery utilizing glasses, that is of some help for rebuilding my gallery. Digitization of the map library began in 1997; currently there are over 17.000 high resolution images of the maps, available for free at the above URL. Copyrights are reserved but images may be reproduced or transmitted, but not for commercial use.
David Rumsey Map Correction: www.davidrumsey.com 

There was a picture of Grand Canyon. Unfortunately seams of the texture are obvious, but the size is amazing. The width is more than 280m! The picture below is only a part of it but you can see the size comparing with me floating at low middle. This is the largest painting I ever saw in SL. I had meant to put some wall paintings on my gallery but gave up after seeing this huge one.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:59Comments(0)Gallery



At last the basic frames of the renewed gallery have completed. The rest is only to paste textures, but it is hard to start. I do not have any idea how to select textures. I should put some wall paintings or better yet…

At a good time the next SIM disappeared by maintenance or so, it was possible to take a shot from above. The yacht with sail up is a new one by corry who came back to SL.

There is another building that has been under construction at Baba, a mansion of Hisanori. He said he would like to celebrate the New Year in this house, so it could be completed around the same time as my one. The colored portion is made of only one prim! He said that it is hard to change the pillar position, but this does save prims.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 07:40Comments(0)Temis Gallery



Visited an opening of a new full-SIM art at LEA, Fontana by Solkide Auer. There were four SIMs in the picture, but this art is the white ball at the center. The right one is arts in a ruined city that was in my blog before.
Fontana: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/116/136/21

Colorful bars are set using the full SIM. It is very big but if the camera is pulled back, moire patterns will appear.

The bright ball is a teleporter that flies visitors into the art. It could be a manor to wear dark clothing to come to this kind of art with color and light, so I changed from white business suit to black silhouette.

The artist comment: “I joined the passion for colors to the almost maniacal love for geometric shapes. This union has always been present in my works and this time I wanted to exaggerate completely” But for me the geometrical pattern based on white was more impressing than the colors.

Once I wrote that a lot of same objects could be impressive by itself. Not being same as recent arts, this one does not move. But accordingly it is possible to set camera freely at leisure. The area is so big that audiences flying around are not in the way. I enjoyed flying not only the camera but also myself to find various patterns.

The moon seen from the top. This moon is from Linden, but seems to bear a part of this art.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:55Comments(0)LEA



At this exhibition, there are many arts that I cannot see the meaning without reading information. "Afterglow" by FreeWee Ling. Artist’s comment: “I wanted to make something for the FIRE show there was sensuous. It's an intentional contrast with the darkness and overt heat of the gallery space. Afterglow's cool whiteness is the remembrance of passion. The cooling embers of a recent fire.” After an affair, a male sitting hollow-eyed and a limp female still unconscious… This is a 3D art that allows me to have nerve to come in this kind of place.
UWA Fire: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/127/248/452

”Boom” by Krystali Rameni. “BOOM! .shows a hot chili pepper on a fork waiting to explode with flavor and heat the moment it is devoured.” The fuse wire was ignited by touhing it, so I waited for brust, and touched around but nothing happened.

”Prometheus Brings Fire” by Corcosman Voom. The artist said this is a prim sculpture inspired by the sculptures of Ju Ming. Ju Ming is an artist in Taiwan. This can be seen as a human figure, but it could come in the movie Prometheus.

“Fire” Is a Verb” by Shostakovich. A sheet of paper is shuddering in the breeze. That is a note to fire someone. This art uses only one prim. The simplest art I ever saw.

The simplest art should be this one, the site where nothing was set. The title could be “All fired”?


Posted by Temi Oyen at 22:42Comments(0)UWA



The theme for the October round at UWA is Fire. Fire purifies and destroys. Fire is about heat, desire, renewal, destruction, resurrection, passion. Here are some keywords for our artists were given for inspiration. There were many keywords prepared for artists. This time there are 26 entries by 21 artists. Is it only me who am worrying that the entries become a bit fewer? I always try to wear suitable clothing for the theme, so I wore fire this time.
UWA Fire: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/127/248/452

There are torches along the entrance. Looking from the other side showed that there was whole body holding the torch. These pictures were taken by moving camera sideways.

Woman on Fire and Water Woman by Talia Sunsong. The artist’s comment: I feel the fire of inspiration. I want to set the world on fire. But, I need to also bring my cooler thinking head into alignment with my passionate goals, to make a balanced, integrated whole.

Ignite Passion by the same artist. When they see each other, their souls ignite with limitless warmth. As usual, my blog is not to introduce the art itself. If you feel I standing closely with flames of jealousy is annoying, please visit the site.

Douce Colombe by Barry Richez. There was a love poem by Alvine N Kenne on the wall. The stronger the fire of their love, the fiercer the flame on me… But it is my fault to be here alone.

Tragedy by Krystali Rabeni. A marionette fell in love with a human girl but the stage was caught fire and all that remained in the debris was a broken wooden heart… The presented story is much longer.

Leaves Don't Fall Down Again by Nexuno Thespian. I was not able to find a comment about this art. It could be said flame of autumn, but this one is really on fire. Someone there said. “Temi, u r on fire”. I did not know that he was the artist that I found it later. I would better to have talked with him regarding this art.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 07:07Comments(0)UWA