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Following the Baba meeting zone, Temi's Teahouse was also changed to winter. Eight months have passed since last March when the Baba SIM was moved. Accordingly this seasonal change of the teahouse is also the eighth.
Temi's Teahouse: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Baba%20Twins/168/99/22

Teahouse in autumn as of yesterday. It is easy to change season in SL, so it seems like turning over a calendar. Another year is passing soon. I did not think that I would do SL for such a long period when I started it.

There is a fire. Please come close and get warmed up highly. Give it a try.

Posted by Temi Oyen at 20:52Comments(0)Temis Teahouse


Vote and get 5000L$!

The UWA 3D Art Challenge is now at the final stage. Three lucky voters will win for themselves L$5,000, L$3,000 & L$2,000 respectively + Special RL UWA packages! At the site, there are total of 83 arts exhivited. How to vote is explained at the site.
UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA%20Winthrop/209/128/248 


Posted by Temi Oyen at 20:03Comments(0)UWA


Art Galleries of SL

Recently I have been visiting art galleries in SL. In the list, there are about 500 galleries listed. I am visiting according to the list, but I have seen only 20% of them so far. There are from big galleries with various artists to a small one at a corner of shopping mall, including professional artists in RL. Also the selected music is nice. This is Igor Ballyhoo's "Forest of scissors".
Art Galleries of SL: http://sasun.info/artgalleriesofsl.htm  

I wrote before that a lot of same objects could be a part of art essence by itself. This one could be a good example.

RazorZ's "Forest of fractal". Each single element cannot be said beautiful, but thousands of them are impressive. The sharp corns like trees bend toward me like inviting or attacking me when approaching.

This art is using a whole SIM. The exhibition is open for an only limited time, until end of November.
Forest of fractal: http://slurl.com/secondlife/WASP%20Land/25/37/1003


Posted by Temi Oyen at 20:17Comments(0)Gallery



My nude photos have been exhibited only in the crazy alley so far, but stimulated by the UWA art challenge, I put them also in the main gallery.
Temi's Gallery: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dromio/80/236/24

I guess that a person who started camera as a hobby might have shot a nude of oneself at least once, but to disclose it is another issue. But it is possible to do so in SL, and most of all it is good to be able to take any pose or camera angle freely. The second floor is for selected ones from my previous works, twelve pieces.

The third floor is for new seventeen pictures. The ones at UWA were taken in a wheat field, but it is hard to find suitable place, so this time I took them mainly at offshore of a nudist beach. There are more orcas than dolphins in SL. The coloring is a sea-Panda and cute, but it is a bit scary since the size is too big and the other name is "killer whale".

As usual, plebby ones are put in the crazy alley, twelve pieces. In the SL, it is possible to keep pose under water forever, but if in the RL.....


Posted by Temi Oyen at 20:56Comments(0)Temis Gallery


Full-SIM Art

Visited LEA Full SIM Art Series, November session, Tyrehl Byk's "Catharsis". While seating in the seat, the avatar camera will be automatically controlled and provides all audiences with the same image. Different from a machinima, all audiences will see the same image simultaneously. It may be same as seeing movie in a theater than seeing it with home video. I went there a bit early, and felt a kind of tense excitement like waiting for movie starting.

It opened with wiled dancing of lights. Spectators' seats are seen below, but I did not pull the camera back.

After a flood of light and shape, the image changed into those depicting daily life. Shopping, entertainment, love, and religion. Joyful images were changing vertiginously. Music also changing one after another was cool!

Echoes through mountains, and lights crossing the sky, that could be interaction between other worlds? A fearful face appeared suddenly, arrows flew around, and wars.... Trees were burning, devastation, darkness, and then dusk of peaceful braird.

Grasses and flowers burgeoned, and ending with tranquil music. At the finale, the spectators' seats were covered with a lot of rose petals. The wonderful point of this art is that this emotion can be shared with all audiences at the site. The artist kindly invited me to the opening but I was not able to make it. Regretfully there were not so many audiences since this has done couple times already. It is impossible to introduce this 24-minutes long numerous images in a few SSs. Please visit the site.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 20:50Comments(0)LEA