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Bike Freaks Meeting

My friend Pin2 introduced me to a bike freaks meeting. As it was named “Meeting”, I thought it would be a touring with many choppers and hot rods, but it was a dance event.

I do not have a dress for such meeting, so I picked up a similar clothing. The one with a pink gang dress swinging the Japanese naval ensign is Pin2 who is normally gentle.

After all it was very heavy. The dance was moving smoothly but I was dropped out soon while shooting pictures. There were several old acquaintances but I was not able to say hello, sorry for that.

Could it read as “Fantasy Bike Freaks”? I visited there next day to shoot bikes presented on the day but all have gone. This was a famous team who made several events every year. I look forward to the next time.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:06Comments(0)Dance


SLEA 2/2

In the SLEA, there is another full-SIM art, a work by Johnas Merlin. Completely different from the art of SecondHand with abundant shapes and colors, there is no color in this art.
SLEA: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1715391.html

Around a giant sitting at the middle, a lot of pillars dropped and then scattered into a chaos. The small figure on the right below is me. Please image the size of this art.

There is a wide space around it as a sea covered with snow and ice.

Surface like a frozen sea, naturally I do not feel cold when entered.

When coming back home, the sea in front of my house was also frozen, that was returned soon by adjusting the environment.

A bird’s-eye view of the SIM. I thought that many same objects will make an art as they are, but this one could be a bit yucky depending on how one looks at it.

This is also a single SIM like the above, of my friends, Shambara and Evan, that I introduced several times as the place for Go game. Other than the Go, there are their cozy home, garden, beach, spa, lake, event stage, and beautiful walkways connecting them. There is no intention to be an art but pursuing comfort and peace. Some couples are visiting here to get a quiet time.
Kido Go Club:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/229/158/27 

At UWA and LEA, there were projects to let a single artist use a full SIM. There are some arts with a single art covering one full SIM, or to establish one whole town in detail. In that context, this SIM can be considered an art. If I were given a SIM for free use, I would never be able to create such SIM like this. Thank all artists, for the beautiful SIMs!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Gallery


SLEA 1/2

Some of the exhibitions at SLEA (Second Life Endowment For the Arts) will be replaced as of September end, so I visited again. This is a permanent presentation, The SLEA Bridge Project. On the colorful bridge, there are many entrances to the multitude of art spaces in SL. By touching the signs, LM ad note card will be given.
SLEA: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1715391.html

In the SLEA presentation, there are some arts using one full SIM each. This is one of them by SecondHand Tutti, where many colorful arts are exhibited.

There was a person looking around the arts on horseback. But he talked in a very strange way so I was not able to communicate.

A corner named “Land of Gods and Monsters”, where I found that my dress did not have shade.

“Sakura Blossom”. The pink color looks often in good for SL arts, maybe because it is rare to see that color in volume at real life.  

This is a very nice formation of a hand. As I mentioned before, the hand is not only the symbol of SL but also one of the themes of SLEA. This is “Anointing”, may be a Christian ceremony. This looks like a bath and I took pictures going inside, but I will not use it here since it is too irreverent.

“Bunnyhenge”, as the Stonehenge? I wonder how artists find this kind of idea? The SecondHand’s SIM will continue to the next quarter, so I will come back again.

P.S. The last one, “SL University” was ranked as the 6th best article. There were not so many visitors and the theme was not so popular, I wonder why. How do they make the ranking? But thank you all readers of my blog! Unfortunately. the comment window has not been working since last year. I have made claims but no answer. If anyone knows the countermeasure, please teach me.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Gallery


SL University

I found that UTSA(University of Texas at San Antonio)has been still there, so I searched SL university again. In earlier times, there were many universities in SL including Japanese ones. There were for not only presentations and exhibitions, but also real studies and lectures in classrooms. Still there are some of them. The below is the Red Wood Pavilion at Stanford University Libraries in Second Life, established in 2009.
SUL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Stanford%20University%20Libraries/162/227/33 

Let me introduce some from the explanation. “Stanford University Libraries was created in October of 2007. The goal is to explore the potential of virtual worlds in the discovery and presentation of information. It also offers support for education and research in the Stanford community, such as hosting or streaming classes into Second Life.”

An autumn-like corner in the above pavilion. There have been many kinds of types in SL universities. Some of them are simulating the real campus and activities for introduction and promotion, but the basic policy might be the same as that of Stanford shown above.

Among the archives, I found pictures of Japanese associates. The middle is the dorm, and the left is the tennis team. Since they have a cup, they could have won some event. It says 1925~26, so they should be the great Senpai of the foreign students from Japan.

Even with the name of “university”, some of them look like a social place, club or bar. This is “Dream River” where I took some pictures.

In the same SIM above. My old gallery had a glass piano that had more than 90 prims. My former boyfriend played it for me. He has not been IN for a long time, I hope he is doing well in RL…

In front of my gallery with glow of the sunset, there were my private beach and pear with yachts at anchor, a simple building made of cubes only but made myself at the least, a cool boyfriend took me along many places… That might be the happiest period in my SL life.

Even now, there are more than 100 landmarks hit under search with the word university. I checked all of them but most of them are not available. Only 10 of them had emblems of university. I miss the age when there are a large number of campuses in SL. I had meant to keep getting materials for my blog by visiting various universities as I had done before…


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)University


Art SIM 2, SnowScape

In the SIM as the last article, I visited the art “Snowscape” by Rebeca bashly. I have taken many photos at Rebeca’s great arts, such as Dante’s Devine Comedy, Circles within Circles, and The Tower. Unfortunately, I was not able to contact her and to have a chance to get her comments this time.

The stage covered by soft snow with dancing Pegasus is so romantic that could be used for a wedding ceremony.

Might be too cold, or the Snow Queen got jealous, I was coming out cold in his arms.

In the fascination of happiness, I was rising to heaven feeling as if I were over the moon, is this not a suitable expression? It is OK for me to go away, but it should be sad for him left behind. I wish I could come together with him at any rate...

Found the beautiful flower that I saw at Rebeca’s Ice Gallery before. Nostalgic! It is one of my joys to shoot pictures wearing clothing that I have seldom chance to use, under the cover of arts.

There were some dark images in the Rebeca’s previous arts, I found myself following my poor taste. But actually it is rather blight world this time, like a snow globe that keeps snowing without shaking 
Snowscape: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TejanoTech/86/39/280


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)University