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New Second Life 2

I am anxious about the next SL. Please refer to the precious article if you are interested in.

Assuming that the next SL will coexist with the current SL as announced by Linden. Hereout, “Current land, inventory, or avatar cannot be transferred to the new SL.

If possible to transfer land or object, there is no meaning to keep the current SL. Avatar name, appearance, or Linden dollars could be transferred technically though.

It is not clear how the SIM system will be, but if the current SIM layout or ownership were continued, it also may not be necessary to keep current SL.

Accordingly, it should be considered that the new SL will be a new world that is completely different one from the current one.

Possible scenario could be:
1. The new SL becomes very popular and expands explosively, and the current SL fades out within a few years.
2. The new SL becomes another world for creators with advanced tools and 3D viewers, ant the current SL keeps going.
3. The new SL does not expand as expected. On the other hand, the current SL further deteriorates, and the whole SL shrinks.

A key point might be, how long it will take to expand the new SL.

Different from 10 years ago when virtual worlds were accepted with enthusiastic backing, now we users have critical eyes and there are other various worlds available, it is not easy to build up a world from ground. Especially because the builders are not Linden but the participating resident.

Residents do not have obligation to build up the world with cooperation efforts. We will come if it seems interesting, ad not if not. The current responsibility to keep running for other resident if once started will not be applied for the start of new world.

The most appropriate way for onlookers might be “to keep watching the progress without any more large investment to SL”. Creators, please stay as long as possible to maintain current SL^-^


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05Comments(0)Virtual World


New Second Life

There are news that Linden Lab is building a new virtual world, beta in 2015 and launch in 2016. Please refer to the following articles. Linden will consider some relation to current SL but compatibility is not a requirement for the completely new system using cutting edge technologies. Oculus Rift, a head-mounted viewer may be used. I feel motion sick even with current screen, and do not like 3D television with headset, so I may hesitate.

Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world
A new version of SL is being built from the ground up, with a little help from the Oculus Rift
Second Life’s Linden lab confirms new virtual world in development

This is the support island when I came in SL at the first time. Comparing with current world, terrain, buildings and picture quality were poor, but it was exciting to step in a new world, and I enjoyed only to walk around.

It was possible to enter the whole world by passing through the green gate, but I was afraid of stepping in, and stayed in the support island for more than one week. I remember well the excitement when I found the courage to enter it. Although how the technology is advanced, as a second version, there might be not so big throb to step in a new world.

Actually the current SL seems to be at a plateau. The new world might be a big step forward especially for creators. Linden said that they have no intention of abandoning current users and will keep updating, but after creators moved to the new world that has more possiblitity, who will stay behind? The true intention could be to let the old version fade away since sudden stop will provoke a backlash of current users.

The grown SL world. There was an infinite space in front of me who entered at the best days. Since the new world will be built from ground up, will it be expanded like this even as the sequel?

I will visit the new world to see what it is, but even if the new world starts in 2016, it will take a while until the whole world is established. What shall I do as an onlooker? Keep watching the newborn world? Take this occasion to graduate from SL that I have been too long? Or stay in this SL that will deteriorate to a ruin? Is there any partner who stay with me and explore the ruin together until the ending of this world…


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05Comments(0)Virtual World



Recently I am crazy about Reversi that is at Café Orion. Accidentally I won a game with Run the creator of the game, and he kindly gave me a set. It is now on the house top of my gallery.

I win some, I lose some. So I tried to practice with computer but it was hard to win. Feeling frustrated, I opened two windows and let two computers play against each other. I expected a close game but one of them wins overwhelmingly. In the left, Black played A. After this, White played B and lost, but is there any chance left if played C? I think I learned a bit: The (2, 2) that I had thought a bad spot often can be a coup, and the side who keeps inner positions will be advantageous. I would like to try them with human. Please play with me!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05Comments(0)Temis Gallery


Corcovado Bug

The BBOY-DAN’s show was not so heavy and the dance was smooth and no problem in camera movement, but for some reason I was dropped four times. All drops were done during the intermissions and I was able to come back soon, I did not miss any show. But it was somewhat heavy and there were some audiences in strange posture.

The one sitting next to me was also so. I asked and she said she was OK in her view. That could be a bug that happens where there are many avatars, a new version of the open-mouth-bug? The one with black jacked is me, wearing light dark clothing whenever viewing a show.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05Comments(0)Bugs



It is exciting just to see nine members sitting tight in line. In the synchronized dance, even small hand objects were set in position. Many practices and confirmations can be imagined.

Wonderful movement matching the contents of music. I was drinking in it without wasting time to move camera. It is impossible to depict the dance through frozen frame, but please imagine the dynamic line dace.

Quick change to Japanese drams. Elaborated stick works line those of Secret Drum. Air drums could be a good idea since Japanese drums are mainly not for rhythm but for performance of body movement.
Top Secret Drum Corps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX1gCC31wJ4

The members of BBOY-DAN. It is cool that tattoos are different independently!!
Thank you for the wonderful show! 


Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05Comments(0)Dance Show