An Eye
It is said that some strange parts are on sale recently. Is it for a special occasion that requires it? It was a vital equipment at the club where I was working, not as the dancer but as an interpreter though. The club Seki-Getsu-Ka was a famous one that was introduced in SL guide books and I was told at a foreign bar to visit, that was the first Japanese site in SL. The neighbor across the street was the Yakitori Shop Kikyo, and also there was a shop of my former boyfriend. I do not need such products since I am using alpha to cover, but as I wrote before, some would peep at. As the countermeasure, I put an eye for “What are you looking at!” So far nobody has noticed this, so I feel a bit easy to know that there was none in my groups.

Active Pin2
I put her in a coffin last time, so as an act of compensation, this time is Pin2 at cheerful dancing. Different from the last year’s cute/scary clown, she made cute line this year.

Adorable facial expression! It was hard to follow with camera in the agile dance. She asked me to write “The most blushing violet in SL” when introducing her, but for a goer of many clubs having a finger in every pie and swinging national flag together with bike freaks, how could I say!

Pin2 as a guard woman for the Halloween site. After such a tragedy, police uniform could be considered as a costume for Halloween next year. Everyone would follow the instruction by such cute police, or would they gather around her as a photography event?

Sachiko who showed fortitude even in the coffin, was dressed as an office girl on her way home from work. She is cool in any clothing.

When shooting portraits, it is recommended to avoid facing straight and there is a technique called “eye line shift”, but the Sachiko’s strong eye is so cool that I would challenge to face daringly.

I seldom shot Pin2 squarely. This is when she wore glasses the other day. Only with glasses and straight shooting, she somewhat looks like a housewife. Sachiko may be elder than me and I feel Pin2 as my young sister, but in RL, she might be far elder than me.^-^

Adorable facial expression! It was hard to follow with camera in the agile dance. She asked me to write “The most blushing violet in SL” when introducing her, but for a goer of many clubs having a finger in every pie and swinging national flag together with bike freaks, how could I say!

Pin2 as a guard woman for the Halloween site. After such a tragedy, police uniform could be considered as a costume for Halloween next year. Everyone would follow the instruction by such cute police, or would they gather around her as a photography event?

Sachiko who showed fortitude even in the coffin, was dressed as an office girl on her way home from work. She is cool in any clothing.

When shooting portraits, it is recommended to avoid facing straight and there is a technique called “eye line shift”, but the Sachiko’s strong eye is so cool that I would challenge to face daringly.

I seldom shot Pin2 squarely. This is when she wore glasses the other day. Only with glasses and straight shooting, she somewhat looks like a housewife. Sachiko may be elder than me and I feel Pin2 as my young sister, but in RL, she might be far elder than me.^-^

Halloween has gone. I was out for travel in RL, so I missed several events. In the last article I picked up a cool coffin, I tried to find more, but it was hard to see nice one in SL. This shows the rid opened. A glass coffin may not make since except for demonstrating a great person or a mummy.

The dead body would fester soon and the coffins are mostly burnt down, a simple wooden one would do the job.

I was not able to find nice casket, so I searched one in RL pictures and entered in it.

Even how I were made up nicely, I would not care since I was stone-dead already…

Someone said, if both smiling and sleeping faces are adorable, any provoking manner would be allowed. I might be obnoxious but neither face is cute, so it is natural that nobody likes me ;; I like the slightly opened nose wings that show some grittiness, but it is not cute to stay open even under unconscious^-^.

A representative of cutie, Pin2 who is the only person being called the name with “Cute~” by Moroi the owner of the meeting area Hiromist. If I had such a cute sister, I would do anything for her, and cry copiously when she died. Please live long Pin2!

My big sister Sachiko, who would not play dead quietly. But when imaging that her eyes and lips closed numbly and her body flaked out, my throat feels like being choked toward little death…

The dead body would fester soon and the coffins are mostly burnt down, a simple wooden one would do the job.

I was not able to find nice casket, so I searched one in RL pictures and entered in it.

Even how I were made up nicely, I would not care since I was stone-dead already…

Someone said, if both smiling and sleeping faces are adorable, any provoking manner would be allowed. I might be obnoxious but neither face is cute, so it is natural that nobody likes me ;; I like the slightly opened nose wings that show some grittiness, but it is not cute to stay open even under unconscious^-^.

A representative of cutie, Pin2 who is the only person being called the name with “Cute~” by Moroi the owner of the meeting area Hiromist. If I had such a cute sister, I would do anything for her, and cry copiously when she died. Please live long Pin2!

My big sister Sachiko, who would not play dead quietly. But when imaging that her eyes and lips closed numbly and her body flaked out, my throat feels like being choked toward little death…