My Death 3 - Accident
In front of the Yakotori shop Kikyo, around the time when I started SL. My heart was pounding at the first time to do this kind of pose. Nobody took after me. Instead I was run over many times by a car.

At the time when I was traveling all over the world in SL, in a scary town in the Middle East. There is some violence such as robbed and killed in a public rest room. But it is good of SL to feel secure since anytime I can jump back by TP.

In the same town. All clothing was taken away and my body was thrown into a garbage truck. It seemed that this could happen actually in this town.

A female police officer, a victim to her duty, in the morgue at the prison of Kazumi. It is sad to be laid at such a dirty place. One day Kazumi opened the drawer and was surprised to find an unknown body in it, not me.

At the planet Pandora. My sister was shot down when she strayed into a shooting range. There was an RPG for the world of the movie Avatar, but there were not enough players for human. I missed the original Pandora SIMs.

The most favorite pose, which might be the first pose ball I bought. In RL, I feel the sensation only by being took up like this. The CPR could become the sign for… ^-^

The hit number was increased once but recently went back to the old level. After all these pictures were not comfortable to see… But as far as someone came in, I hope there are some who understand my taste, so I will bring in another two articles with two days interval. Please come back!

At the time when I was traveling all over the world in SL, in a scary town in the Middle East. There is some violence such as robbed and killed in a public rest room. But it is good of SL to feel secure since anytime I can jump back by TP.

In the same town. All clothing was taken away and my body was thrown into a garbage truck. It seemed that this could happen actually in this town.

A female police officer, a victim to her duty, in the morgue at the prison of Kazumi. It is sad to be laid at such a dirty place. One day Kazumi opened the drawer and was surprised to find an unknown body in it, not me.

At the planet Pandora. My sister was shot down when she strayed into a shooting range. There was an RPG for the world of the movie Avatar, but there were not enough players for human. I missed the original Pandora SIMs.

The most favorite pose, which might be the first pose ball I bought. In RL, I feel the sensation only by being took up like this. The CPR could become the sign for… ^-^

The hit number was increased once but recently went back to the old level. After all these pictures were not comfortable to see… But as far as someone came in, I hope there are some who understand my taste, so I will bring in another two articles with two days interval. Please come back!
My Death 2 - Fire
At the massive fire at Edo, my happi coat was inflamed while fire fighting. Afterward nobody noticed me getting cool and cold on the roof.

The fire at a garden at Temi’s Tea House tends to ignite a person coming in and would not fade for a while. I did not recall who this was since she was incinerated.

Of early date of my SL. I am tempted to go into fire like a moth. I could be a kind of masochist to some extent.

This picture was not used in my blog. Actually, a human body will not be such a pose in a fire. But I am not sure if a stone-dead body was put into. Anyway, the hair should be ignited at first, so this picture is wrong.

If actually done, a death by fire could be one of the most painful way to die. A king said, “You an imposter! Tell the truth as the last word. If you say a truth, I will hang you as a mercy, but if you say a lie, I will burn you alive!” The imposter said, “I will be burnt alive.” What should the king do?

The fire at a garden at Temi’s Tea House tends to ignite a person coming in and would not fade for a while. I did not recall who this was since she was incinerated.

Of early date of my SL. I am tempted to go into fire like a moth. I could be a kind of masochist to some extent.

This picture was not used in my blog. Actually, a human body will not be such a pose in a fire. But I am not sure if a stone-dead body was put into. Anyway, the hair should be ignited at first, so this picture is wrong.

If actually done, a death by fire could be one of the most painful way to die. A king said, “You an imposter! Tell the truth as the last word. If you say a truth, I will hang you as a mercy, but if you say a lie, I will burn you alive!” The imposter said, “I will be burnt alive.” What should the king do?
My Death 1 - Water
The next theme of my icky series is feature of my death, picked up from my old articles. The ones such as gallows or guillotine that ate available at shops were excluded and I picked up those can be seen in normal scenes. The next popular one to hanging will be drowning. This is a pose ball set at a courtyard of a fancy Japanese restaurant in the old Edo city. In a pond set at cloister garth in a restaurant, with lotus bloom, could this be for a swimming? Most likely it seemed one for a watery suicide. I floated with formal apparel.

This is a pose ball at some foreign seaside SIM. The facedown limp posture does not look like a swimming.

In front of a guy going along at that time. After this he carried me to his home, looked after me, and…. He left later, may be disgusted with my poor taste ;;

A drowned pose at an art by Borhovski that I introduced before. The body could be a bit over-floated but I like it since it looks cool.

The last day of Edo SIM. My sister made watery suicide in front of Temi’s Tea House that would also gone away.

I took her up from the water, set her on a mat, and made CPR, but… The profile today is at that time. The sequential pictures were introduced in may gallery before. It may be included in the slide show now.

In the overseas net, there are some scenes of actual drowning and the body is substantially agonizing. But the face looks peaceful in death. The two pictures are victims of Tsunami. I pray for the souls. To go away leaving such a cute and healthy body behind, to die is really a special matter.

Drowning might be more agonizing than hanging that brings black out quickly. In ancient Japan suicide by entering into water was popular, but it should be painful until losing consciousness. My sister could have been agonizing…

If you were interested in death, please visit the old articles.
To sleep or to die:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687474.html
To Die 3:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687473.html
To Die 2:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687472.html
To Die 1:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687471.html

This is a pose ball at some foreign seaside SIM. The facedown limp posture does not look like a swimming.

In front of a guy going along at that time. After this he carried me to his home, looked after me, and…. He left later, may be disgusted with my poor taste ;;

A drowned pose at an art by Borhovski that I introduced before. The body could be a bit over-floated but I like it since it looks cool.

The last day of Edo SIM. My sister made watery suicide in front of Temi’s Tea House that would also gone away.

I took her up from the water, set her on a mat, and made CPR, but… The profile today is at that time. The sequential pictures were introduced in may gallery before. It may be included in the slide show now.

In the overseas net, there are some scenes of actual drowning and the body is substantially agonizing. But the face looks peaceful in death. The two pictures are victims of Tsunami. I pray for the souls. To go away leaving such a cute and healthy body behind, to die is really a special matter.

Drowning might be more agonizing than hanging that brings black out quickly. In ancient Japan suicide by entering into water was popular, but it should be painful until losing consciousness. My sister could have been agonizing…

If you were interested in death, please visit the old articles.
To sleep or to die:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687474.html
To Die 3:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687473.html
To Die 2:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687472.html
To Die 1:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1687471.html
To sleep or to die
There was a passout by the roadside. Without noticing a bottle held in her hand, it looked like a body of a murder victim. I noticed several manikins of drunk at art SIMs or some such. There is a special shop for that. As a fainting fancier, I would buy these if they were not manikins but pose balls

These persons could be alive. Most sleeping avatars do not beathe and it is hard to distinguish death and sleep The left lady with mascara running off could be suicide with a sore heart… The lady on the right seemed to be a victim of CO intoxication judging from the sloppily spreaded limbs with heavy clothing.

I introduced before, the cute sleeping face of Alha. More beautiful closing eyes became available with the mesh head.

The facial expressions of Lot are so cute in this art, “THE INEVITABILITY OF FATE, A story about Angry Beth and Lot” by Rose Borchovski. Please visit my old article. There were many cool art SIMs before. It is too bad that there is no LEA or UWA anymore. The art SIM (Two Fish) by Borchovski is still there. The presentation was changed a bit but you can meet Lot.
Angry Beth1:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1247297.html
Angry Beth2:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248019.html
Angry Beth3:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248688.html
Two Fish;http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cariacou/195/79/171

Dear Komomo passed out when I was choking from behind. If I were holding for some period, she might go without any agony.

Me under CPR. Both breathing and heat beat have stopped. Would I come back from the apparent death or is this a corpse passing over in silence… The CPR does exist on the border. The calm face keeping eyes closed is hiding a fearsome possibility.

The last is my favorite face, the ending of a TV-game Final Fantasy XIII-2, the heroine Sera. There is nobody in this cute face anymore. She suddenly dies without seeing her fiancé, and the world that she thought to have saved collapsed. If there is any solace, she died as if falling aspleep without any agony before the catastrophe… In days of old, there was a stage for RPG of Final Fantasy in SL. I missed the Middgar ;;

The “To Die” series was received better than expected, so the next will be feature of my death. Please come back again!

These persons could be alive. Most sleeping avatars do not beathe and it is hard to distinguish death and sleep The left lady with mascara running off could be suicide with a sore heart… The lady on the right seemed to be a victim of CO intoxication judging from the sloppily spreaded limbs with heavy clothing.

I introduced before, the cute sleeping face of Alha. More beautiful closing eyes became available with the mesh head.

The facial expressions of Lot are so cute in this art, “THE INEVITABILITY OF FATE, A story about Angry Beth and Lot” by Rose Borchovski. Please visit my old article. There were many cool art SIMs before. It is too bad that there is no LEA or UWA anymore. The art SIM (Two Fish) by Borchovski is still there. The presentation was changed a bit but you can meet Lot.
Angry Beth1:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1247297.html
Angry Beth2:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248019.html
Angry Beth3:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248688.html
Two Fish;http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cariacou/195/79/171

Dear Komomo passed out when I was choking from behind. If I were holding for some period, she might go without any agony.

Me under CPR. Both breathing and heat beat have stopped. Would I come back from the apparent death or is this a corpse passing over in silence… The CPR does exist on the border. The calm face keeping eyes closed is hiding a fearsome possibility.

The last is my favorite face, the ending of a TV-game Final Fantasy XIII-2, the heroine Sera. There is nobody in this cute face anymore. She suddenly dies without seeing her fiancé, and the world that she thought to have saved collapsed. If there is any solace, she died as if falling aspleep without any agony before the catastrophe… In days of old, there was a stage for RPG of Final Fantasy in SL. I missed the Middgar ;;

The “To Die” series was received better than expected, so the next will be feature of my death. Please come back again!
To Die 3
While discussing about a shot-down pose in a snowball fight at the yearend event in Edo, Pipinpa the leader of Edo Meguni Group suddenly fell down. Bleeding at a snawball fight? In this situation such as when I was hit by a car and was left as it was, nobody would look after.

At the snowball fight, I and my chummy friend Komomo have gone together. There was no bleeding though. I on the right is still holding a snowball. Sorry to see Komomo in such chilly situation, but she would not feel it anymore….

Mizuki bitten by a tyrannosaur at the joint exhibition with her, Out of Bounds World. Another tyrannosaur in addition to the one in the picture was hiding behind the wall and several guests were sacrificed.
The old article: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e918421.html

Kazumi again. She was dancing as a nurse but suddenly kissed the dust and emergency crews came in. Normally they would not carry a person in this shape if she is alive… We guessed the cause of death and the most probable one was that she was an assassin disguising a nurse and inadvertently shot herself. I tried to shoot her dead face but abruptly she wide opened her mouth, it astounded me like shouting “I am still alive!”.

At the snowball fight, I and my chummy friend Komomo have gone together. There was no bleeding though. I on the right is still holding a snowball. Sorry to see Komomo in such chilly situation, but she would not feel it anymore….

Mizuki bitten by a tyrannosaur at the joint exhibition with her, Out of Bounds World. Another tyrannosaur in addition to the one in the picture was hiding behind the wall and several guests were sacrificed.
The old article: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e918421.html

Kazumi again. She was dancing as a nurse but suddenly kissed the dust and emergency crews came in. Normally they would not carry a person in this shape if she is alive… We guessed the cause of death and the most probable one was that she was an assassin disguising a nurse and inadvertently shot herself. I tried to shoot her dead face but abruptly she wide opened her mouth, it astounded me like shouting “I am still alive!”.