

Yacht in the air

Recently there are strange mistakes at Trenza yacht practice. While sailing with spinnaker at speed of 13 knots, yacht slows down and the wake suddenly disappears. The other day Eiki slowed down in front of me so I bumped into the rear. It was considered to hit shallows, so I erased the water. The riffles on the water is a separate prim that stays.

Yacht in the air

The slowdown happens around this area but there is no shallow. It could be mistake in adjusting sail angles. In this picture, the sails are transparent for racing but the spinnaker is fully spread and the centerboard is in up position properly.

Yacht in the air

Hisanori is shaving the south shore of the island. He should not be able to see the sea bed but he can manage it having trained well. I often make my centerboard hit the shallow by turning too close to the shore. Now I am missing the turn while taking SSs. The ground cut line shows the SIM boarder. There is a spacious ocean if water is visible.

Yacht in the air

This is not a bug but turn close at the SIM boarder. It is like to fly in the air, but soon the yacht hits the boarder and will be stopped.

Yacht in the air

SL World Atlas
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 Reminisce about Yachts (2021-11-11 11:11)
 Face Painting (2021-08-19 18:05)
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Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05│Comments(0)Yacht