

LEA Plankton

Most tricks in this SIM are centered to avatars. This is shooting me with a kind of ray gun.
Plankton: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA21/101/34/40

LEA Plankton

These beams are following me. This is a stage like a trampoline that makes avatar jump, so it is interesting to see the beams also follow the movement.

LEA Plankton

These photos are eliminating other objects by defender or limiting visual distance. The actual site is clouded like this. The “Taxi” on the left and a cube in the pink square are teleporters.

LEA Plankton

The name of this full-SIM art is “Plankton” created by a group of several artists. Takni one of them explained, “Plankton basically floats out of control, goes with the flow, use of free idea. We all are plankton swimming in universe.” Sitting on a plankton from the plankton-gun will make a random tour through this art.

LEA Plankton

One of unique features of the telepporters is “teleport to nearby avatar”. The kinked links are traces of Takuni and Misio2 who were following me on the random plankton.

LEA Plankton

Takni showed me the arms can be erased by touching one of them. At that time only two of them but it should be spectacle if there were many guests moving around.

LEA Plankton

LEA Final Arts
LEA Farewell Party
LEA Closing
LEA Art 4/4
LEA Art 3/4
LEA Art 2/4
 LEA Final Arts (2019-09-08 18:05)
 LEA Farewell Party (2019-09-02 18:05)
 LEA Closing (2019-08-28 18:05)
 LEA Art 4/4 (2019-08-14 18:05)
 LEA Art 3/4 (2019-08-12 18:05)
 LEA Art 2/4 (2019-08-10 18:05)
Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05│Comments(0)LEA