Spooky cat

Temi Oyen

2012年03月11日 08:16

Recently a spooky cat appears at Baba. That is a mesh chat but the body height is changing. The person on the left is Botan who has now Different-person-bug. Also her shoes are out of position.

This might be the proper shape but still looks eerie. A mesh cat moves smoother than traditional tiny avatar and can dance normally.

One of the reasons why this cat is spooky is that the height is changed according to viewing person. The three shots were taken by three peoples respectively. The top left that is normal was taken by Suzu, the left below by Hideyoshi the self, and the top right by Judicial who saw in different height. Hideyoshi said he got the way to cause the bug and seems to be using it in other places like the right below.

He tried to come back to human but the attached objects only came out. May be the mesh required transparent shirt before wearing cat avatar and it was still on. The abnormally long legs are not bug but his personal preferences.

Normal dancing under normal situation. My dress is also mesh and no problem with this wild dance. The cat lying casually is not the spooky one but a pet of Kazumi. I derendered the garbage can that was her residence for shooting SSs and she was exposed.

At Temi's Galley, there are now about twenty bugs presented. They are out of more than thirty bugs that have been introduced in this blog. Some pictures are different from those in this blog. Please drop in.
Temi's Gallery: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dromio/80/236/24

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