Winter at SL

Temi Oyen

2018年12月12日 18:05

It is cold, isn’t it? From my favorite page “The world of Yana”, visited the snow country. Curiously, Santa Claus came to an accident on the ground. The reindeers are hanging around in the back. The site is on the right of the picture below. A cub is watching anxiously from a distance.
Santa Claus in trouble:

A car with a tree on the roof was popular in this season in America. There was an open space with an array of trees for sale. At my friend home, I was allowed to help to decorate a huge tree in a room with a high ceiling.

There was a big steam locomotive. There is no rail on this island. This is SL in SL ^-^

There is a wintry landscape outside of the SIM. It cannot be entered but a real three-dimensional scape that also shows shadow.

There was a background like this before. Buildings, trees, and other objects became well advanced recently. “There are many beautiful landscapes in the Second Life” is the title statement of the Yana’s page. For sure they became drastically beautiful, but I think they had been a stage for doing something, such as Midgal for Final Fantasy, and it was a joy to walk in the town. Also, there were many RPGs using various towns. Like the chess sets, now the purpose of SL might become not to play in it but to build itself?

But it is joy to simply walk in the snow. I do not feel cold even with this kind of outfit.

Even it is OK to do like this. If done in RL, I will become really stone cold. I could sleep away as is till spring. But does spring come for SL?
